This is the README file of patch2 for Wafe 1.0 The new version features in the following items: - The original Wafe 1.0 version contained an old version of callback.c, which could be generated at each site with Perl. However, Wafe should be usable without Perl as well. The version of callback.c in the original Wafe 1.0 distribution showed problems, when mofe was compiled without XMGRAPH support. - Improved XPM support esp. for shaped pixmaps: + The new version of Wafe has now a pixmap cache based on reference counting, which is tightly coupled with the Wafe memory management system. For example, dynamically destroying widgets releases now pixmap information and color cells. In the new version, only currently used pixmaps are kept in the cache. Future versions might be switched to a LRU cache. + The command "changePixmap" adds and deletes entries to the pixmap cache, destroyWidget deletes entries potentially. + Shaping of pixmaps was substantially overworked. It works now for resizeable and unresizable widgets in the Athena and Motif widget sets. + The same pixmap cache is now used for iconPixmaps as well. + The command "setIconPixmap " is obsolete and has been replaced by "changePixmap iconPixmap " For backward compatibility setIconPixmap is defined now in the Tcl library of Wafe. + Shaped (color) icons should now work for motif window managers and compatibles (such as dtwm; the shaped image occurs in the icon frame) as well as for other window managers. One icon pixmap can be changed (and reshaped etc) at arbitrary times. + Warning messages are now generated when shaped images cannot be shaped (before realize, or when the window size is smaller than the shape mask) + New sample scripts to demonstrate shaped XPM pixmaps wafe/src/tcl/xpm-test Athena version wafe/src/tcl/m-xpm-test Motif version several other sample scripts could be simplified due to the changes. + Some Perl written applications have been updated: xwafemail uses now shaped color icons, when Wafe was compiled with XPM support xwafeping sets now shaped color pixmaps when Wafe was compiled with XPM support - New man pages for xwafenews and xwafemail (describing the new key bindings from Wafe 1.0 for adding and expanding aliases) - Improvement for RDD (drag and drop library): When Wafe is compiled with RDD support, a Tcl procedure "rddDropFailHandler" (without arguments) can be defined in the application program, which will be called when a drop operation fails. - Several code improvements: + simplified memory management + less external symbols + improved portability (some compilers don't allow structs to be initialized with variables (no problem with gcc or xlc)) In order to apply this patch, be sure that your Wafe installation is on the Wafe 1.0 level (or newer), cd to the Wafe home directory, expand this tar file over the old distribution, perform the usual configuration in wafe/src/Imakefile (as indicated in INSTALL) or use the new TOPMAKE (read the top section of wafe/src/TOPMAKE). Gustaf Neumann PS: Patch 1 for Wafe 1.0 was put out for testing of a single user. Disclaimer: Wafe is developed and maintained on my private equipment in my free time.