=== Plugin Name === Contributors: elusivelight Donate link: http://cleverness.org/plugins/to-do-list/ Tags: to-do, to do list, to-do list, list, assign tasks, tasks, admin Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0.2 Stable tag: trunk Integrates a multi-featured to-do list into the WordPress administration area that is very customizable. == Description == This plugin provides users with a to-do list feature. You can configure the plugin to have private to-do lists for each user, for all users to share a to-do list, or a master list with individual completing of items. The shared to-do list has a variety of settings available. You can assign tasks to a specific user (includes a setting to email a new task to the assigned user) and have only those tasks assigned viewable to a user. You can also assign different permission levels using capabilities. There are also settings to show deadline and progress fields. Category support is now included. A new menu item is added to manage your list and it is also listed on a dashboard widget. A sidebar widget is available as well as shortcode to display the to-do list items on your site. [Plugin Website](http://cleverness.org/plugins/to-do-list/) == Installation == 1. Upload the folder /cleverness-to-do-list/ to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Configure the settings on the Settings page under the To-Do List menu == License == This file is part of Cleverness To-Do List. Cleverness To-Do List is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cleverness To-Do List is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this plugin. If not, see . == Frequently Asked Questions == = I upgraded and the new tables or fields haven't been added to the database = If you did not do the automatic upgrade from the Plugins page, make sure you deactivate and then activate the plugin. The database changes are done on activation. = I enabled categories and now my items don't show up on the dashboard, sidebar, or using the shortcode. = This is because the items have not yet been assigned a category. Once you edit the item and select a category, they will appear. = I can't mark items as completed = Please visit the To-Do List settings page and click on Save Changes. There was a typo in a previous version in the default settings. = What is the shortcode to display items in a post or page? = [todolist] Several options are available: * **title** - default is no title. * **type** - you can chose *list* or *table* view. Default is *list*. * **priorities** - default is *show*. Use a blank value to hide (only applies to table view). * **assigned** - default is *show*. Use a blank value to hide). * **deadline** - default is *show*. Use a blank value to hide. * **progress** - default is *show*. Use a blank value to hide. * **addedby** - default is *show*. Use a blank value to hide. * **completed** - default is blank. Set to *show* to display completed items. * **completed_title** - default is no title. * **list_type** - default is *ol* (ordered list). Use *ul* to show an unordered list. * **category** - default is *all*. Use the category ID to show a specific category. Example: Table view with the title of Upcoming Articles and showing the progress and who the item was assigned to. [todolist title="Upcoming Articles" type="table" priorities="" deadline="" addedby=""] = Can you explain the permissions in more detail? = * **View To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to view to-do items. * **Complete To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to mark to-do items as completed or uncompleted. * **Add To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to add new to-do items. * **Edit To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to edit existing to-do items. * **Assign To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to assign to-do items to individual users. * **View All Assigned Tasks Capability** - This allows the selected capability to view all tasks even if *Show Each User Only Their Assigned Tasks* is set to *Yes*. * **Delete To-Do Item Capability** - This allows the selected capability to delete individual to-do items. * **Purge To-Do Items Capability** - This allows the selected capability to purge all the completed to-do items. * **Add Categories Capability** - This allows the selected capability to add new categories. = What should I do if I find a bug? = Visit [the plugin website](http://cleverness.org/plugins/to-do-list/) and [leave a comment](http://cleverness.org/plugins/to-do-list/#respond) or [contact me](http://cleverness.org/contact/). == Screenshots == 1. Dashboard Widget - Individual Setting 2. To-Do List Page - Group Setting with Assign Tasks on 3. Settings Page == Changelog == = 2.2.8 = * Fix issue where completed items would not show using list in the shortcode = 2.2.7 = * Fixed fatal error = 2.2.6 = * Added value check for assign and priority variables * Echoing the email values to the screen on failed email sending, for troubleshooting = 2.2.5 = * Language files were not successfully committed to the SVN on last update = 2.2.4 = * Removed site title from email subject * Added ability to change From value for email * Added French translation by Thibault Guerpillon = 2.2.3 = * Added default values to assign and priority variables * Email an assigned task function now returns success or fail messages = 2.2.2 = * Added Assign ability to Individual view * HTML is now allowed in tasks * Added error message displays for inserting, updating, and deleting items = 2.2.1 = * Added updated Spanish translation (contributed by [Ricardo](http://yabocs.avytes.com/)) * Changed shortcode and widget so that if the list is individual and a user is logged in, it will show their own list = 2.2 = * Added assign to sorting options * Added the master list view feature = 2.1.5 = * Fixed a typo in the show assigned user code in the widget = 2.1.4 = * Updated German translation by Ascobol = 2.1.3 = * Added stripslashes() to item display = 2.1.2 = * Fixed option bug = 2.1.1 = * Fixed shortcode bug * Added option for email text = 2.1 = * Added category support * Added sort option = 2.0.4 = * Added German translation by Ascobol * Added Japanese translation by [Takemi Tasaki](http://route58.org) = 2.0.3 = * Moved a nonce check to the correct function and added some additional code = 2.0.2 = * Removed require_once for pluggable.php from main body of plugin into functions = 2.0.l = * Fixed bug where users could not edit or delete other user's item when they had the ability = 2.0 = * Changed backend code for better error control and improved performance * Compatible with WordPress 3.0 * Minor bug fixes * The page is no longer redirected to the main To-Do List page when marking at item on the dashboard as completed * Russian translation added = 1.5.2 = * Changed the url in the location variable again to work when WP is placed outside the root directory = 1.5.1 = * Fixed a problem with the install function * Changed the url in the location variable = 1.5 = * Changed the way CSS is added to the admin pages * Added more shortcode options * Changed the way users are selected for the dropdown list * Added option to show completed date and an option to format the date = 1.4.1 = * Bug fix affecting updating table and viewing items = 1.4 = * Added progress field * Added sidebar widget * Added post/page shortcode to display list * Added ability to email users a new to-do item * Removed permission check on install (may help fix WPMU issue) = 1.3.4 = * Added Spanish translation (contributed by [Ricardo](http://yabocs.avytes.com/)) = 1.3.3 = * Fixed a typo in the default options that caused items to be unable to be marked as completed. Please visit the To-Do List settings page and click on Save Changes if you are having difficult marking items as completed = 1.3.2 = * Fixed a bug where "assigned by" would show on the dashboard widget when empty * Renamed functions * Added a check to prevent blank to-do items = 1.3.1 = * Fixed an incompatibility with PHP 4 * Added a call to the userdata global in the complete function = 1.3 = * Added a deadline field and settings * Only shows users above Subscribers in the Assign To dropdown = 1.2.1 = * Removed a div tag from the dashboard widget that did not belong there = 1.2 = * Added ability to check off items from dashboard * Added uninstall function * Added group support * Added settings page * Added permissions based on capabilities * Cleaned up code some more * Added ability to set custom priorities * Improved security * Added translation support = 1.1 = * Enabled the plugin to work from inside a directory = 1.0 = * Improved the security of the plugin * Updated the formatting to match the admin interface * Cleaned up the code * Fixed to work in WordPress 2.8 == Upgrade Notice == = 2.2.8 = Bug fix = 2.2.7 = Bug fix = 2.2.6 = Bug fix = 2.2.5 = Bug fix = 2.2.4 = Bug fix = 2.2.3 = Bug fix = 2.2.2 = Two small features added = 2.2.1 = Spanish translation updated, bug fix = 2.2 = Master list feature added = 2.1.5 = Bug fix = 2.1.4 = Updated German translation = 2.1.3 = Bug fix = 2.1.2 = Bug fix = 2.1.1 = Bug fix and new email option = 2.1 = Categories and sort order added = 2.0.4 = Two new translations added = 2.0.3 = Bug fix = 2.0.2 = Bug fix = 2.0.1 = Bug fix = 2.0 = Backend code changes, bug fixes = 1.5.2 = Bug fix = 1.5.1 = Bug fix = 1.5 = New features added = 1.4.1 = Bug fix = 1.4 = Added several new features and settings, added new field to database table = 1.3.4 = Spanish translation added = 1.3.3 = Bug fix, Go to the To-Do List settings page and click on Save Changes if unable to mark items as completed = 1.3.2 = Bug fixes Changed function names = 1.3.1 = Bug fixes = 1.3 = Added features, changed database structure. Be sure to deactivate and activate plugin. = 1.2.1 Bug fix = 1.2 = Major changes to plugin == Credits == This plugin was originally from Abstract Dimensions (site no longer available) with a patch to display the list in the dashboard by WordPress by Example (site also no longer available). It was abandoned prior to WordPress 2.7. Spanish translation by [Ricardo](http://yabocs.avytes.com/) Russian translation by [Almaz](http://alm.net.ru) German translation by Ascobol Japanese translation by [Takemi Tasaki](http://route58.org) French translation by Thibault Guerpillon